Perotis (plant)
''For the jewel beetle genus, see '' Perotis (beetle).
Perotis is a genus of Asian, African, and Australian plants in the grass family.
Species- Perotis acanthoneuron Cope - Somalia
- Perotis clarksonii Veldkamp - Queensland
- Perotis flavinodula Mez - Tanzania
- Perotis hildebrandtii Mez - West Africa ( Sierra Leone to Nigeria), East Africa ( Ethiopia to Tanzania), Madagascar, Seychelles
- Perotis hordeiformis Nees ex Hook. & Arn. - China, Southeast Asia, Indian Subcontinent, New Guinea
- Perotis humbertii A.Camus - Madagascar
- Perotis indica (L.) Kuntze - China, Southeast Asia, Indian Subcontinent, New Guinea, Tropical Africa, Madagascar, RĂ©union
- Perotis leptopus Pilg. - from Tanzania to Namibia
- Perotis patens Gand. - Sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar
- Perotis pilosa Cope - Kenya
- Perotis rara R.Br. - China, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Australia
- Perotis scabra Willd. ex Trin. - Senegal, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso
- Perotis somalensis Chiov. - Somalia
- Perotis vaginata Hack. - from Burundi to Namibia
see Chaetium Mosdenia Pennisetum Pogonatherum
- Perotis cubana - Chaetium cubanum
- Perotis latifolia Eckl. ex Steud. 1841 not Ait. 1789 - Pennisetum macrourum
- Perotis phleoides - Mosdenia leptostachys
- Perotis polystachya - Pogonatherum paniceum
Perotis (beetle)
Perotis is a genus of beetles in the family Buprestidae, containing the following species:
- Perotis aereiventris Reiche, 1861
- Perotis bruckmanni Heer, 1862
- Perotis chloranus (Laporte & Gory, 1836)
- Perotis cupratus (Klug, 1829)
- Perotis hausmanni Heyden, 1862
- Perotis laevigatus Massalogo, 1855
- Perotis lavateri Heer, 1847
- Perotis lugubris (Fabricius, 1777)
- Perotis margotanus (Novak, 1983)
- Perotis planidorsis Liskenne, 1994
- Perotis reditus Heyden, 1862
- Perotis striatus Spinola, 1837
- Perotis susannae (Novak, 1983)
- Perotis unicolor (Olivier, 1790)
- Perotis xerxes (Marseul, 1865)
Perotis is the name of two genera of organisms:
- Perotis (beetle), in the Buprestidae family
- Perotis (plant), in the Poaceae family