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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pernel \Per"nel\, n. See Pimpernel. [Obs.]

Usage examples of "pernel".

The oval face framed by her white wimple was olive-skinned and suave, the dark eyes that took in Cadfael with serene but guarded curiosity and dwelt with almost possessive affection upon Pernel, were still cleanly set and beautiful.

That seemed reason enough for a son of the family taking a personal interest in the case, and exerting himself to extricate the innocent from suspicion, and accounted satisfactorily for the concern shown by the abbot and his envoy, this elderly monk who now sat in a window embrasure with Pernel, recounting briefly the whole disturbing history.

Woe betide anyone who attempted affront to Pernel Otmere while her maid was by!

They exchanged the briefest of glances, and Pernel said at once: “I should like that very much, if you’ll really let me stay.

A conspiracy of women had been hatched in Eudo’s hall, that kept due consideration of Eudo’s rights and needs, of his wife’s contented pregnancy, even as it nurtured and advanced Pernel Otmere’s determined pursuit of a truth that would set Sulien Blount free from every haunted and chivalrous burden that weighed him down.

But when Pernel told me how Generys had been found, and how my son had set himself to prove Ruald blameless, by proving this could not in fact be Generys… And then how he exerted himself, once again, to find the woman Gunnild alive… Then I understood that he had brought in evitable suspicion upon himself, as one knowing far too much.