Permaforestry is an approach to the wildcrafting and harvesting of the forest biomass that uses cultivation to improve the natural harmonious systems. It is a relationship of interdependence between humans and the natural systems in which the amount of biomass available from the forest increases with the health of its natural systems.
Examples of bioproducts derived from biomass created through permaforestry include: honey, maple syrup and other tree saps, gourmet foods, functional foods, berries, wild mushrooms, acorns, walnuts, mockernut, pignut hickory, ginseng, wild rice, herbs, fiddleheads, extracting pinenuts from pinecones, fish, frogs and crustaceans, deer, moose, brought over wild boar (to the Americas), partridge, grouse, free living turkey, Canada geese and co. (other geese), rabbit, natural furs, partridge berry, bearberry, snowberry, lindenberry, mulberries, juneberries, gooseberries, (and more), leeks, spring beauties, wood sorrel, wood strawberry, burdock, dandelions, (and ill leave what the author who wrote before me had written, it's true by the way that chemicals are found in plants, so the chemicals interacts with different bodily sensations differently), pharmaceuticals, natural health products, essential oils, educational products, arts and crafts, decorative products, floral and greenery, garden horticultural products, woodworking, lumber, biochemicals, candle wax from candleberry resin which you melt off, basswood tree leaves, greenbriar, and hydrofracking for carbon clusters and hydrocarbon chains (through use of water jets).