n. vision using only the periphery of the retina
' Peripheral vision' is a part of vision that occurs outside the very center of gaze. There is a broad set of non-central points in the visual field that is included in the notion of peripheral vision. "Far peripheral" vision refers to the area at the edges of the visual field, "mid-peripheral" vision exists in the middle of the visual field, and "near-peripheral", sometimes referred to as "para-central" vision, exists adjacent to the center of gaze.
Peripheral Vision is the second studio album by American rock band Turnover.
Usage examples of "peripheral vision".
Look to one side, nevertheless, and the star jumps into view as its light strikes rods, f Contrarily, it is because the cones become progressively less numerous away from the macula lutea that we have so little acuity in peripheral vision in daylight.
Sidling around behind him, watching to make sure she wasn't coming into his peripheral vision, she slipped into the turbolift car.
Glancing nervously over her shoulder to where Grant sat, she saw that he was in profile to her, but she knew that he would keep her in his peripheral vision.
He didn't stop, which would have signalled an alarm to anyone watching, but, using his peripheral vision, he took a quick look around.
Scott could see the carrier slipping away in his peripheral vision to his right.
By peripheral vision, I saw a man come out of a door on that other roof!
His peripheral vision showed movement to his left--the support group--but no, it was a car, driving across the playground right at them--not the Suburban, something else.
That statement made Ryan's head jerk back as his peripheral vision caught the stony looks on the others in the room--all of them Secret Service at the moment.
You could configure it for a dozen different bikes, and as many terrains, and Chevette liked this one, an old-fashioned steel-frame ten-speed you could take up this mountain road, wildflowers blurring in your peripheral vision.
When my peripheral vision time display told me that at least a full minute had gone by, I propped myself up on one elbow and looked around at the figures dreaming in the other racks.
I shifted my gaze to a point between them, catching each within my peripheral vision.