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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a dangerous/hazardous/perilous journey
▪ They set off on the dangerous journey down the river.
▪ So much worse, so much more perilous, because of the winter.
▪ And once they made it to the frontier of engineering, the trek to a degree would be even more perilous.
▪ It could become complex, more perilous.
▪ Life here, I could see, was going to be on an even more perilous tightrope than it was in Britain.
▪ a perilous mountain road
▪ Blondin soon became famous as a rope-dancer. Nothing was too perilous for him to attempt.
▪ Refugees cross the rugged San Ysidro mountains, and it is always a perilous trip.
▪ A perilous leap to the edge was followed by a difficult scramble over slimy rock faces.
▪ But much more sorry that you have behaved in such an improper and perilous way.
▪ It was a most perilous enterprise, but everything for him depended on it.
▪ Louis in Conestoga wagons and traveled across the vast, perilous country in search of a better life in the West.
▪ Nationalism - from Prague to Paris, from Berlin to Budapest - is a potent, perilous brew.
▪ No feat was too perilous for him to attempt.
▪ The gnarled tree trunks-white mulberry and rich brown acacia-formed a perilous and nearly impenetrable net.
▪ They forgot Mary, forgot everything except their own perilous plight.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Perilous \Per"il*ous\, a. [OF. perillous, perilleus, F. p['e]rilleux, L. periculosus. See Peril.] [Written also perillous.]

  1. Full of, attended with, or involving, peril; dangerous; hazardous; as, a perilous undertaking.

    Infamous hills, and sandy, perilous wilds.

  2. Daring; reckless; dangerous. [Obs.]

    For I am perilous with knife in hand.
    --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] -- Per"il*ous*ly, adv. -- Per"il*ous*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, from Old French perillos "perilous, dangerous" (Modern French périlleux) "dangerous, hazardous," from Latin periculosus "dangerous, hazardous," from periculum "a danger, attempt, risk" (see peril). Related: Perilously; perilousness.


a. dangerous, full of peril.


adj. fraught with danger; "dangerous waters"; "a parlous journey on stormy seas"; "a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat"; "the precarious life of an undersea diver"; "dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery" [syn: parlous, precarious, touch-and-go]


Perilous is the thirteenth studio album by American progressive rock band Glass Hammer, released on October 23, 2012 by Arion Records/Sound Resources.

This is the last album with Jon Davison acting as sole lead vocalist, with former vocalists Susie Bogdanowicz and Carl Groves returning on the following album. It is also noteworthy to note that the song titles, when read in sequence, form a kind of poem. It is the first album featuring Davison in which he was not actively involved into the songwriting process, as he joined Yes previously in the year and was not available for the songwriting sessions.

As some previous albums like Journey of the Dunadan or Chronometree, Perilous is a concept album. However band member Steve Babb stated "we have never done a concept album like Perilous. It is essentially one unified vision; one musical idea in thirteen parts or movements. The emotions and ideas expressed in the lyrics ebb and flow with the music; but they have a definite story to tell with a beginning, middle and climactic end."

Usage examples of "perilous".

His eyes traveled the room, a general of the army appraising his troops before a perilous operation.

The really perilous course lies in preserving the status quo and institutionalizing our past failed policies: open borders, unlimited immigration, dependence on cheap and illegal labor, obsequious deference to Mexico City, erosion of legal statutes, multiculturalism in our schools, and a general breakdown in the old assimilationist model.

On February 14th Kimberley was in danger of capture, a victorious Boer army was facing Methuen, the lines of Magersfontein appeared impregnable, Clements was being pressed at Colesberg, Gatacre was stopped at Stormberg, Buller could not pass the Tugela, and Ladysmith was in a perilous condition.

At last, after exposing his person in the most perilous situations, his Prussian majesty drew off his forces from the field of battle, retiring in such good order, in sight of the enemy, as prevented a pursuit, or the loss of his artillery and baggage.

However, the General-inChief having opposed him to Mourad Bey, Murat performed such prodigies of valour in every perilous encounter that he effaced the transitory stain which a momentary hesitation under the walls of Mantua had left on his character.

Throughout the world at all periods of history, human life is metaphorically depicted as a perilous journey.

And nevertheless from that mass of outworn routines and perilous innovations a few useful formulas have emerged here and there, just as they have in medicine.

And if that he may not, paraventure, Or elles list not such dispence endure, But thinketh it is wasted and y-lost, Then must another paye for our cost, Or lend us gold, and that is perilous.

Still, a number of gray petrous visages continued to appear, drawn on by a habit which they called duty, and perhaps, though none would have admitted it, a sort of perilous curiosity roused by this young man who invoked flesh and deity alike in whistling tones which bounced off their northern souls like shiny stones scaled over still water.

I had no possible right to use any of those disguises or prevarications which are always foolish and perilous, and very frequently wrong.

Immersion in a protyle sink is significantly more efficacious, albeit infinitely more perilous.

He retrod his own footsteps to ten years of age, when the high mage himself instilled the lessons that readied the mind for the perilous initiations that opened the keys to grand conjury.

Till his deathday he held the Castle of the Scaur, and cleansed the Wood Perilous of all strong-thieves and reivers, so that no high-street of a good town was safer than its glades and its byways.

And the missions, instead of following servilely in the track of bloody conquest to assume the tutelage of subjugated and enslaved races, were to share with the soldier and the trader the perilous adventures of exploration, and not so much to be supported and defended as to be themselves the support and protection of the settlements, through the influence of Christian love and self-sacrifice over the savage heart.

Rise to her ethereal feasts, Not, though lightnings track your wit Starward, scorning them you quit: For be sure the bravest wing Preens it in our common spring, Thence along the vault to soar, You with others, gathering more, Glad of more, till you reject Your proud title of elect, Perilous even here while few Roam the arched greenwood with you.