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n. (plural of performance English)

Performances (Selena video)

Performances is a live DVD that features previously unreleased footages of Selena during the Johnny Canales Show, a live coverage music television show, from the periods of 1993 to 1994.

Usage examples of "performances".

Garcia was a tenor with a voice sufficiently deep to enable him to sing the barytone part of Don Giovanni in Paris and at subsequent performances in London.

Gounod celebrated the centenary of the opera by writing a commentary on it which he dedicated to young composers and artists called upon to take part in performances of the opera.

At any rate, in 1755, a wealthy musical amateur, the Baron von Furnberg, who frequently gave concerts at his country house at Weinzierl, near Vienna, invited him to take the direction of these performances and compose for their programmes.

But in everything else relating to musical performances, and in all that concerns the orchestra, the Vice-Capellmeister shall have the sole direction.

A wave of musical excitement appears to have been passing through London, for on this very evening both Covent Garden and Drury Lane Theatres were packed with audiences drawn together by the oratorio performances there.

London Performances Salomon, strangely enough, had threatened Haydn with penalties for pirating his text, but he thought better of the matter, and now wrote to the composer for a copy of the score, so that he might produce the oratorio in London.

But the narrow limits of the Esterhazy audience and the numbing routine of the performances were against his rising to the top heights of his genius.

As Malibran the Signorina Garcia took part in many of the English performances of the work, which kept the Italian off the local stage till 1850, when it was revived by Max Maretzek at the Astor Place Opera-house.

The performances at Prague did not take place, and nobody knows what became of the autograph score of the overture.

He was a wise, brave, and righteous king, who fought the savage Huns, and for his sake the management of the festival performances at Bayreuth, in 1894, introduced costumes of the tenth century.

But it could not be artful unless its performances could be properly understood.

The original contribution to new baseball knowledge of AVM Systems was how much more precisely it analyzed data, and how much more exactly it valued the performances of the players.

I saw the millennia of Ballet performances as a single unified whole, creating a single, complex, exhaustively annotated image.

They had played Minot III for nine days, during which time Batman missed two performances because of facial lacerations suffered while executing a new trick.

She loved it also, having seen only a few less elaborate performances from groups prepared to venture as far from the Great River as Bhuin.