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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Eric scored a timely win in the penultimate round of the Formula 1 championship.
▪ His horse slipped and fell at the penultimate fence.
▪ Particularly impressive is the horn section on the penultimate track, 'Just Jivin' Around'.
▪ the penultimate game of the season
▪ These trials are actually the penultimate step toward choosing the Olympic team for this summer's games.
▪ We booked a moped for the penultimate day of the holiday.
▪ Alan Aldridge's chestnut quickened well approaching the penultimate and was in no danger from then on.
▪ Beatification is the penultimate step before canonisation.
▪ It took us five hours to reach the penultimate peak.
▪ It was the penultimate act before war.
▪ The penultimate column gives the current memory requirements, which are twice what is necessary.
▪ The kids ruled Monday night, the sixth and penultimate day of racing.
▪ This all happened just before Easter, at the end of my penultimate term at Sussex.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Penultimate \Pe*nul"ti*mate\, a. Last but one; as, the penultimate syllable, the last syllable but one of a word.


Penultimate \Pe*nul"ti*mate\, n. The penult.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1670s, from penultima (n.) on model of proximate.


a. (context UK in US usage usually formal literary or scholarly English) next to last, second to last; immediately preceding the end of a sequence, list, etc. n. 1 (context uncommon English) A penult, a next-to-last thing, particularly: 2 # (context obsolete rare English) The #Adjective day of a month. 3 # (context linguistics literature uncommon English) The #Adjective syllable of a word or metrical line. 4 # (context math obsolete rare English) The #Adjective element of a collection of curves. 5 # (context cards uncommon English) The #Adjective (next to lowest) card in a suit.

  1. adj. next to the last; "the author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter"; "the figures in the next-to-last column" [syn: next-to-last]

  2. n. the next to last syllable in a word [syn: penult, penultima]

Usage examples of "penultimate".

How serene does she now arise, a queen among the Pleiades, in the penultimate antelucan hour, shod in sandals of bright gold, coifed with a veil of what do you call it gossamer.

The penultimate course was presented-tiny tartlets filled with quince and nuts, and fragrant cheeses with toasted slivers of bread-and Javan gradually began to relax a little.

It seemed certain to me then, as it had in that penultimate moment of the storm with my baluchitherium dead at my feet, that I was about to die.

Richard walked on into the bowels of the building, past chained fire exits and beneath seeping ceilings, until the penultimate door, with a soft flap, like an internal valve, seemed to admit him and exclude all else, and there was the marked entranceGENTSat the bottom of the bending steps .

Center in Providence, in concave recesses along the Pizzitola tunnels between special entrance and Visitors' locker room, even in a specially enlarged and sensually-appointed locker next to the power forward's locker in the VLR, all prepared like the Brown cheerleaders and Pep Squad, who've been induced to do the game pantyless, electrolysized and splits-prone to help lend a pyrotechnic glandular atmosphere to the power forward's whole playing-environment prepared to make the penultimate sacrifice for squad, school, and influential members of the Brown Alumni Bruins Boosters Assoc.

Center in Providence, in concave recesses along the Pizzitola tunnels between special entrance and Visitors' locker room, even in a specially enlarged and sensually-appointed locker next to the power forward's locker in the VLR, all prepared like the Brown cheerleaders and Pep Squad, who've been induced to do the game pantyless, electrolysized and splits-prone to help lend a pyrotechnic glandular atmosphere to the power forward's whole playing-environment prepared to make the penultimate sacrifice for squad, school, and influential members of the Brown Alumni Bruins Boosters Assoc. So that Gwendine O'Shay then switches back to Fackelmann and OKs the mammoth bet and point-spread, as like who wouldn't, with that kind of mole-reported fix in the works.

It was an hour at least before the last chaw was chawed, the final belch belched, the penultimate sigh sighed.

These hopeless clamorings, he knew (from books), were just the final or penultimate yodels of his DNA: of his selfish genes, craving propagation before they died.

They received it in the air and guided it downward, applying its condyle with delicacy—almost tenderness—in its proper orientation to that of the penultimate bone.

I watched two women in robes run up through the ascending series of temple buildings, hanging bridges, stairways, steep ladders, and penultimate construction scaffolding to the easternmost platform where the work seemed to consist of cutting holes in the rock wall.

Accent is generally on the penultimate syllable, but compound words and place names are often an exception to this rule.

Accent is generally on the penultimate syllable, but compound words and place names are often exceptions to this rule.

What I mean by that is that if the advance communication explanation of the phenomenon should prove correct, it would have the most decisive effect upon the thesis I was preparing for my Penultimate Degree-not to mention the implications of such a discovery for Development Theory in general.

I knew nothing of this, of course, and on the penultimate day of the Congress, a Friday, as I was strolling home enjoying the morning after a strenuous late breakfast with Caprice, I was taken flat aback by Blowitz's moon face goggling at me from the window of a drosky drawn up near my hotel.

Here was the penultimate act of the maskirovka The honor guard of Red Army soldiers mixed with boys and girls of the Moscow Young Pioneers to watch over the murdered children.