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pentaerythritol tetranitrate

n. (context organic compound English) A potent, water-soluble high explosive, prepared by nitration of pentaerythritol.

Pentaerythritol tetranitrate

Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), also known as PENT, PENTA, TEN, corpent, penthrite (or—rarely and primarily in German—as nitropenta), is the nitrate ester of pentaerythritol, and is structurally very similar to nitroglycerin. Penta refers to the five carbon atoms of the neopentane skeleton.

PETN is one of the most powerful explosive materials known, with a relative effectiveness factor of 1.66. When mixed with a plasticizer, PETN forms a plastic explosive. Along with RDX it is the main ingredient of Semtex.

PETN is also used as a vasodilator drug to treat certain heart conditions, such as for management of angina.

Usage examples of "pentaerythritol tetranitrate".

Most of the stuff was stable and fairly safe to ship, except for the stuff in the center of the pallet, surrounded by Styrofoam shock absorbers--five hundred pounds of pentaerythritol tetranitrate, or P.