A peñón (, "rock", pl. peñones) is a term for certain offshore island forts established by the Spanish Empire (especially in Africa). Several are still part of the plazas de soberanía ("places of sovereignty") of Spain in Northern Africa.
Usage examples of "penon".
It was enough that right in front of him -perhaps ten miles across on this clear day, crammed on this flat tableland of central Russia, from the Oboyan road west past the Pena River was the greatest concentration of rifles, tanks, anti-tank guns, artillery, mines, barbed wire, blockhouses, and obstacles assembled in the entire war.
She burst out laughing when she came to the lines, 'Io il veggo, io il sento, e a pena vero parmi: Sento in maschio in femina matarsi.
He grunted in recognition of Lou Pena, one of the local Mafia "enforcers.
He raised veiled eyes to his chief enforcer, Lou Pena, and muttered, "Listen, dammit, I don't want your damn crying excuses!
It was a senseless question, and Pena recognized it as such even as he thought it.
And Pena, the new chief enforcer, had damn well better get it for him.
From Cugina Maria, then but 22 years of age herself, Pena found an identification of ancestry and learned to be proud of his Neapolitan roots.
Even Pena, however, realized that this promotion had been largely based on a scarcity of qualified candidates.
It was generally acknowledged that whatever Pena lacked in brains was more than made up for by his brute strength, stubborn tenacity, and unflagging loyalty to his Capo.
DiGeorge smiled wryly, thinking of Screwy Looey Pena as his Chief Enforcer.
Obviously nervous and awed by the great man's presence, Zarecky stammeringly reported to DiGeorge that Pena had not been heard from and that Willie Walker had departed "with a crew" two days previously.
Willie Walker, smiling grimly, leaned over the bed and fitted a key into the handcuffs with which Pena was manacled to the metal bedpost.
He handed Pena a gun and dropped some loose bullets into his coat pocket.
Screwy Lou Pena, all expansive smiles and high humor, took up nearly half of the rear seat, Wedged in with him were one Mario Capistrano, who had been recently released from the Federal Reformatory at Lompoc, and Harold the Greaser Schiaperelli, a 59-year-old Italian-born contract specialist who had been deported three times but had never spent a night behind bars.
For a startled instant Pena wondered what the guy was doing on his knees beside the car.