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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pennon \Pen"non\, n. [Cf. Pinion.] A wing; a pinion.


Pennon \Pen"non\, n. [See Pennant.] A pennant; a flag or streamer.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

long, narrow flag (often triangular or swallow-tailed), late 14c., from Old French penon "feathers of an arrow; streamer, flag, banner," from penne "feather," from Latin penna "feather" (see pen (n.1)).


n. 1 A thin triangular flag or streamer, especially as hung from the end of a lance or spear. 2 (context nautical English) A pennant; a long pointed streamer or flag on a vessel. 3 A wing; a pinion.

  1. n. a long flag; often tapering [syn: pennant, streamer, waft]

  2. wing of a bird [syn: pinion]


A pennon or pennant is a flag that is larger at the hoist than at the fly. It can have several shapes, like triangular, tapering or triangular swallow-tailed.

It was one of the principal three varieties of flags carried during the Middle Ages (the other two were the banner and the standard). Pennoncells and streamers or pendants are minor varieties of this style of flag. The pennon is a flag resembling the guidon in shape, but only half the size. It does not contain any coat of arms, but only crests, mottos and heraldic and ornamental devices.

Usage examples of "pennon".

Terlake carried in front of him the high wivern-crested bassinet, Ford the heavy ash spear with swallow-tail pennon, while Alleyne was entrusted with the emblazoned shield.

Mandorallen, once again in full armor and with a blue-and-silver pennon streaming from the tip of his lance, led the way with Barak in his gleaming mail shirt and black bearskin cape riding immediately behind him.

The brethren rode to the space before the arch and halted, saluting with their pennoned spears.

Over a thousand pavilions, like balloons and tepees and stemless mushrooms, blazing in the midst of a blue field, strung with pennons, full of moving colors that are people.

Warped, time blackened, worm eaten, the long-handled, curved, stringless old racquet in the glass case was a reminder of that long-ago day when a monarch of France had presented to a monarch of England, as they met in conclave among the pennoned pavilions and glittering shields and lances of the armoured chivalry of both nations, on a French meadow, a gift of tennis balls.

Small boys came running to roadsides to watch the lines of riders all ajingle on their tall chargers, the pennons fluttering at the sparkling steel tips of the long, polished lances of ashwood, sunbeams flashing from plumed helmets, cuirasses and hilts of sabers and dirks.

Governor Supreme to the ruined city Prince Lysaer undertook to restore, Lord Diegan, ex-commander of the garrison, sat his glossy bay war-horse and glared through the pennons that cracked at the head of the unwieldy column bound for Avenor.

Flanked by standard-bearers, a trumpeter, the Dainnan, the Legions of Eldaraigne and battalions from the armies of every country in Erith with their banners and gonfalons, the gay pennons unfolding their points along the breeze, this sovereign of a lost Realm looked toward the wide lands opening out from the Landbridge and advanced steadily into Namarre.

I would station a score of archers here in the pass, with all our pennons jutting forth from the rocks, and as many nakirs and drums and bugles as we have with us, so that those who follow us in the fading light may think that the whole army of the prince is upon them, and fear to go further.

It moved at an ambling walk, and the only man erect in his saddle was the pennon bearer, and he was kept alert only by the occasional gust of wind from off the distant mountains that unexpectedly bellied out the heavy, silken banner and made fair to tear the ashwood shaft from his grasp.

Sir Nigel Loring and Sir Oliver Buttesthorn at once hung their shields over the side, and displayed their pennons as was the custom, noting with the keenest interest the answering symbols which told the names of the cavaliers who had been constrained by ill health or wounds to leave the prince at so critical a time.

The foremast was still standing, but the foretopsail was flying loose, and the headsails were streaming out in long, white pennons in front of her.

They spun and circled and lifted lightly, following the pennons and guidons, a drifting mass of living beauty, darting in rippling sweeps through the sunlight slanting through the branches of the trees.

And also a quantity of banners and pennons, and other such fripperyset them afire!

The red and gold banners on their stanchions fluttered and the pennons waved, as a small dark cloud appeared in the sky.