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n. (plural of penguin English)

Usage examples of "penguins".

During the first weeks of our stay in the Bay of Whales, while we were still unloading stores, it was always a welcome distraction to see a flock of Adelie penguins, to the number of a dozen or so, suddenly jump out of the water, as though at a word of command, and then sit still for some moments, stiff with astonishment at the extraordinary things they saw.

Bay of Whales 178 The First Dog-camp 180 Reproduced by permission of the Illustrated London News Digging the Foundations of Framheim 184 Reproduced by permission of the Illustrated London News Building the Hut 186 Unloading the Six Sledge-drivers 186 Polar Transport 192 Reproduced by permission of the Illustrated London News Penguins 192 The Provision Store 192 Framheim, January, 1911 194 Reproduced by permission of the Illustrated London News Suggen, Arne, and the Colonel 196 Mikkel, Ravn, and Mas-mas 196 Framheim, February, 1911 206 Prestrud in Winter Dress 208 Bjaaland in Winter Dress 208 Page 8 Amundsen, Ronald - The South Pole, Vol.

As many seals and penguins as could be found were shot, and placed in store.

In addition, animal life in the Bay of Whales was, according to the descriptions, extraordinarily rich, and offered all the fresh meat we required in the form of seals, penguins, etc.

And to think that we had been dreaming of great mountain masses in the style of McMurdo Sound, with sunny slopes, penguins by the thousand, seals and all the rest!

Those who had not been in the ice before, myself among them, and who were hunting for the first time, ran about after seals and penguins, and amused themselves like children.

We lay all night drifting in the ice, which was constantly breaking up, and during this time several seals and penguins were shot.

On the ice seals came right up to the ship, as did large and small flocks of penguins, to have a look at us.

In the neighbourhood of the latter we saw a great quantity of birds, a number of seals and penguins, and even a little iceberg.

Immediately afterwards ten men armed with picks and shovels went up the Barrier, while the rest rushed wildly about after penguins, and their shots were heard all night.

The penguins ignored him, peering down at the clipboard held by the largest penguin.

The other two penguins clucked their disapproval at this blatant disregard for the cosmos.

Because if the lighter was real, that meant the penguins had been real as well.

The three penguins materialized in a large room filled with blinking computer monitors.

The temperature control was set to a mild forty-two degrees, which was just how the penguins liked it.