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penal institution

n. an institution where persons are confined for punishment and to protect the public [syn: penal facility]

Penal institution

Usage examples of "penal institution".

There one can study the largest assortment of criminals outside of a penal institution, from the Artful Dodger and Bill Sykes, Fagin and Jim the Penman, to the most modern of noted crooks of fact or fiction, all done here in real flesh and blood.

Naval prison, is a penal institution that was said to combine the worst aspects of Marine boot camp and a medieval dungeon.

Primarily a mining planet, it was also home to a large penal institution--a fact Janill noted with grim irony--and its most important feature, as far as the team was concerned, was a NOROF, or Navy Orbital Rebuild and Overhaul Facility.

This policy, they insinuated, might be proper enough among convicted murderers in a penal institution, but it would not do in San Francisco, where life was still a precious and sacred thing.

Inside, the old wood-paneled walls had the lingering aroma of a nineteenth-century penal institution, but the worst feature was the noise.

Don't, I beg of you, Murdock, think that we are operating a penal institution here.