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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Peltate \Pel"tate\, Peltated \Pel"ta*ted\, a. [Cf. F. pelt['e]. See Pelta.] Shield-shaped; scutiform; (Bot.) having the stem or support attached to the lower surface, instead of at the base or margin; -- said of a leaf or other organ. -- Pel"tate*ly, adv.


a. 1 shield-shaped; scutiform. 2 (context botany of leaves English) Having the petiole attached to the lower surface instead of the margin.


adj. of a leaf shape; round, with the stem attached near the center of the lower surface rather than the margin (as a nasturtium leaf for example) [syn: shield-shaped]

Usage examples of "peltate".

I have written of a lake, but no water was visible, for it was concealed by thousands and thousands of the peltate leaves of the lotus, nearly round, attaining a diameter of eighteen inches, cool and dewy-looking under the torrid sun, with a blue bloom upon their intense green.

The seed organs are curious, the stigma being foot-stalked, peltate, and placed between and above the anthers.

The leaves, most of which grow directly from the rootstock, are in shape some what like those of the garden Nasturtium, being circular, their stalks, 2 to 6 inches long, springing from about the centre of their undersurfaces, an arrangement that is termed botanically peltate.