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pelt down

vb. (context intransitive English) To rain heavily.

Usage examples of "pelt down".

He banked leftward above the rooftops of tile and thatch, slowing and spilling air as the field came into view, closer and closer, he could see the blades of grass, and then he was down with a thump that jarred every cartilage from his ankle joints to the top of his spine and running, running faster than he'd ever run before, sprinting up the slope as fast as a man running full pelt down it to take off, the glider still flying at shoulder height and no weight at all, and then he could slow and finally stop.

Once I put an edge to this knife, I'll cut the fisher pelt down to a hood.

As soon as the three had disappeared in among the houses we went full pelt down the hill to come up behind them.

The falling stones flared into white powder, and began to pelt down like fine stone mist.

He slapped his pocket to be sure of his keys, ran down the stairs and out into the winter rain that had begun to pelt down just after breakfast.

And since there was no lying-to with the Arabian coast so near, he must necessarily crack on and pelt down the middle of the channel, or rather to the windward of the middle, as near as he could judge.

He took her hands, standing close to her to shelter her slight figure from the rain that had begun to pelt down.

All of them running at full pelt down the slope, Shef in their midst, weapons ready for someone to try to spring the ambush.