In Greek mythology, the Pegaeae (; Πηγαῖαι) were a type of naiad that lived in springs. They were often considered great uncles of the river gods ( Potamoi), thus establishing a mythological relationship between a river itself and its springs.
The number of Pegaeae included but was not limited to:
- Albunea ( Roman mythology)
- Alexirhoe, daughter of the river god Grenikos
- The Anigrides (daughters of the river god Anigros, were believed to cure skin diseases)
- Archidemia
- Arethusa
- Castalia, or Cassotis
- Comaetho, daughter or wife of the river god Cydnus
- The Corycian Nymphs (Coryceia, Cleodora, Daphnis, Melaina)
- Cyane
- The Cyrtonian nymphs (local springs in the town of Cyrtones, Boeotia)
- The Deliades (daughters of Inopus, god of the river Inopus on the island of Delos)
- Dirce, transformed into a spring (presumably into a nymph personifying it) after her death
- Gargaphie, or Plataia (one of the daughters of the river god Asopus)
- Hagno, one of the nurses of infant Zeus
- The Himerian Naiads
- The Inachides (daughters of the river god Inachus, namely Io, Amymone, Philodice, Messeis and Hyperia)
- The Ionides (Calliphaea, Iasis, Pegaea and Synallaxis)
- Ismene
- The Ithacian nymphs (dwelled in sacred caves on Ithaca)
- Langia
- The Leibethrides (individual names include Libethrias and Petra)
- Magea
- Milichie
- Metope (wife of Asopus)
- The Mysian Naiads (Euneica, Malis and Nycheia), who dwelled in the spring of Pegae near the lake Askanios in Bithynia and were responsible for the kidnapping of Hylas
- The Ortygian nymphs (local springs of Syracuse, Sicily)
- Pegasis, daughter of the river god Grenikos
- Peirene
- Pharmaceia, nymph of a poisonous spring in Attika and Orithyia's playmate
- Psanis (a local spring in Arcadia)
- The Rhyndacides (daughters of the river god Rhyndacus)
- Salmacis
- The Spercheides (daughters of the river god Spercheus)
- Strophia (a spring on Mount Cithaeron near Thebes; barely personified)
- Telphousa
- Temenitis