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In Greek mythology, the Pegaeae (; Πηγαῖαι) were a type of naiad that lived in springs. They were often considered great uncles of the river gods ( Potamoi), thus establishing a mythological relationship between a river itself and its springs.

The number of Pegaeae included but was not limited to:

  1. Albunea ( Roman mythology)
  2. Alexirhoe, daughter of the river god Grenikos
  3. The Anigrides (daughters of the river god Anigros, were believed to cure skin diseases)
  4. Archidemia
  5. Arethusa
  6. Castalia, or Cassotis
  7. Comaetho, daughter or wife of the river god Cydnus
  8. The Corycian Nymphs (Coryceia, Cleodora, Daphnis, Melaina)
  9. Cyane
  10. The Cyrtonian nymphs (local springs in the town of Cyrtones, Boeotia)
  11. The Deliades (daughters of Inopus, god of the river Inopus on the island of Delos)
  12. Dirce, transformed into a spring (presumably into a nymph personifying it) after her death
  13. Gargaphie, or Plataia (one of the daughters of the river god Asopus)
  14. Hagno, one of the nurses of infant Zeus
  15. The Himerian Naiads
  16. The Inachides (daughters of the river god Inachus, namely Io, Amymone, Philodice, Messeis and Hyperia)
  17. The Ionides (Calliphaea, Iasis, Pegaea and Synallaxis)
  18. Ismene
  19. The Ithacian nymphs (dwelled in sacred caves on Ithaca)
  20. Langia
  21. The Leibethrides (individual names include Libethrias and Petra)
  22. Magea
  23. Milichie
  24. Metope (wife of Asopus)
  25. The Mysian Naiads (Euneica, Malis and Nycheia), who dwelled in the spring of Pegae near the lake Askanios in Bithynia and were responsible for the kidnapping of Hylas
  26. The Ortygian nymphs (local springs of Syracuse, Sicily)
  27. Pegasis, daughter of the river god Grenikos
  28. Peirene
  29. Pharmaceia, nymph of a poisonous spring in Attika and Orithyia's playmate
  30. Psanis (a local spring in Arcadia)
  31. The Rhyndacides (daughters of the river god Rhyndacus)
  32. Salmacis
  33. The Spercheides (daughters of the river god Spercheus)
  34. Strophia (a spring on Mount Cithaeron near Thebes; barely personified)
  35. Telphousa
  36. Temenitis