The Collaborative International Dictionary
Peevishly \Pee"vish*ly\, adv.
In a peevish manner.
adv. In a peevish manner or way.
adv. in a peevish manner [syn: querulously, fractiously]
Usage examples of "peevishly".
If she ever went to Norway, thought Charity peevishly, she would take care to be swathed in fur from head to toe and wear boots made of the finest soft leather with spiky heels.
Anyone would think we were going to catch a number 10 bus, she thought peevishly, instead of a flight to Heathrow.
They were on the best of terms, she reflected peevishly, and only occasionally did Miss.
Don Loris peevishly, sitting beside the great fireplace in the enormous hall.
And let it be remembered, as an admonition to the genus irritabile of dramatick writers, that this great man, instead of peevishly complaining of the bad taste of the town, submitted to its decision without a murmur.
Instead he peevishly turned his back and stomped off to resume his treasure hunting through the rubble.
France fell in with the views of Russia, thwarted the Turkish government, bore herself affrontfully and dictatorially to the sultan, and peevishly and even menacingly towards England, by which nation the rights of Turkey were from the first consistently espoused.
Lord Havard might have replied to this was lost when Sir William Trevayne peevishly demanded that Milord accept his winnings or continue the game.
Her mother, thought Beatrice peevishly, could at times be quite infuriating.
Wesley was poking peevishly at her bread and butter and Christabel was uttering an angry laugh.
He told us we couldn't take any of Rapaldo's iron without asking permission, then he went looking for you," said Bellcrank peevishly.
The old scholar hardly heard Mon’s answers to his questions, and when Bego asked him again the very question that he had just answered, Mon couldn’t help but peevishly say, “What is it, teaching the younger son just isn’t interesting anymore?
The buyer grunted peevishly, dropped Whambozambo Comix on the floor and led the way out of the building and down the log corduroy road to the highway.
At the age of three he was overheard demanding peevishly of his father, “But is it oxyhaemoglobin or carboxyhaemoglobin?
Painfully he eased himself back on the metal-framed bucket-seat, wondering peevishly when the Air Force was going to get round to upholstering these fiendish contraptions.