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a. 1 Inclined to peep (to watch someone or something). 2 Having a high-pitched voice, like the sound of a peep.

Usage examples of "peepy".

What with the bustle of dispatching Peepy and the bustle of getting myself ready and helping Ada, I was soon quite in a glow.

I was sitting at the window with my guardian on the following morning, and Ada was busy writing-of course to Richard--when Miss Jellyby was announced, and entered, leading the identical Peepy, whom she had made some endeavours to render presentable by wiping the dirt into corners of his face and hands and making his hair very wet and then violently frizzling it with her fingers.

I hope I do old Mr. Turveydrop no wrong, but I never saw any better traits in him than these I faithfully record, except that he certainly conceived a liking for Peepy and would take the child out walking with great pomp, always on those occasions sending him home before he went to dinner himself, and occasionally with a halfpenny in his pocket.

As if I were never to have done with Caddy, I am reminded here of Peepy and old Mr. Turveydrop.