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n. (plural of pedestrian English)

Usage examples of "pedestrians".

The last blast was peculiarly strong one, and after the small rubbish was done raining around us and we were just going to shake hands over our deliverance, a later and larger stone came down amongst our little group of pedestrians and wrecked an umbrella.

All the morning, as we loafed along, having a good time, other pedestrians went staving by us with vigorous strides, and with the intent and determined look of men who were walking for a wager.

He walked to the nearest intersection and waited at the curb with a crowd of pedestrians until the traffic light displayed a WALK sign.

Its sidewalks were blocked by parked cars and he had to walk in the middle of the street, jumping aside every minute or so for gleaming motorized bicycles ridden by young mobsters taking fierce pleasure in revving their engines and missing the pedestrians by a hairbreadth.

In the interim, the pedestrians on the sidewalk could be entertained by a lengthy tirade of artistically colorful phrases, explosive sighs, and accusations of parental perfidy likely to provoke a visit from the Department of Child Welfare.

The bell jangled as they sailed away to entertain pedestrians with their latest topic of debate.

Even at ten-thirty, traffic blared, lights flashed, and pedestrians gesticulated as they walked swiftly.

He walked on, sipping every now and again, avoiding pedestrians with relaxed, easy steps, frowning at a woman carrying two bags who bumped his laptop as she passed.

I followed him onto the street, with its rush-hour traffic of frowning pedestrians and honking cabs, where he stepped behind a lamppost, put his laptop between his feet, and pulled out a phone.

Between one stride and the next, everything changed: unrelated pedestrians suddenly focused, sharpened, tightened into a crowd.

Minogue thought of the pathetic fallacy and he made a half-hearted attempt to notice the school-children skipping by the pedestrians on the footpath.

A golden alms basin was in front of it, into which hurrying pedestrians dropped coins as they passed.

The driver was using his horn liberally to send pedestrians scurrying out of the way.

Green cops and the religious police stopping suspicious pedestrians at random and questioning them, a damper had been put on the celebration.

Entire streets were packed with pedestrians, who were not on their way to work.