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pecan tree

n. tree of southern United States and Mexico cultivated for its nuts [syn: pecan, Carya illinoensis, Carya illinoinsis]

Usage examples of "pecan tree".

Instead she sat quietly beside me on the step and looked woodenly at the rabbit hutches and Tripod eating out of his bowl under the pecan tree.

And by the time we had reached the pecan tree drive before the house I was so choked up I could hardly speak into the intercom to ask Clem to stop the car.

Squatting under a big old pecan tree, I studied the corral, yet my mind was ranging back over the country.

Close together they went whooping past Joel, who suddenly became, like the pecan tree, and through no fault of his own, a shield.

The lights in the backyard were on, and Ben and another boy were using the rope to climb into the pecan tree.

The crickets chirped in the garden, the moon cast fantastic shadows from the pecan tree on the grass, while Nick, struggling with his French, talked to Madame Gratiot.

After half a mile's chase the three peccaries ran into a hollow pecan tree, and one of the cowboys, dismounting, improvised a lance by tying his knife to the end of a pole, and killed them all.

A lone pecan tree sprang from the top, its roots gripping earth just on the far side of the crest.

She scurried like a lizard along the peak of the wet, slippery roof to the very end, then slid down the steeply pitched side and shinnied down the old pecan tree that had grown too close to the house.