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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Peavey \Pea"vey\, Peavy \Pea"vy\, n. [Said to be from the inventor's name.] (Lumbering) A cant hook having the end of its lever armed with a spike.


n. A tool used to manipulate logs, having a thick wooden handle, a steel point, and a curved hooked arm. Similar to a cant-hook, but shorter and stouter, and with a pointed end.


n. a stout lever with a sharp spike; used for handling logs [syn: peavey, cant dog]


Peavy may refer to:

People named:

  • Jake Peavy, an American baseball player.
  • Nathan Peavy, an American basketball player.
  • Peavy Wagner, a German heavy metal musician.

In forestry:

  • Peavy Arboretum, an arboretum in Oregon, United States.

Usage examples of "peavy".

Molly constantly assures Peavy that they have gone to hell, that evidently hell has not been correctly described, and that they should fully enjoy it while it lasts.

The one on the left is Peavy -- Peavis -- Green, who had been on the staff over twelve years.

I put Molly through to External Hall, waited the minute:45 by that funny clock, then put Peavy and me through.

They are Nola Aimee, Avis Prentice, Pelly Carpenter, Emma Burke, Beth Orville, Molly Thomm and Peavy Green.

Though Peavy and you were very near death when I had you transported from Chatterford, you had not yet died and in fact you did not die.

The peculiarity, Peavy, is that there is no gravity for your body to resist, so you continue to fall.

You may have a superior mind, Peavy, despite the ravages of the disease.

Strange dreams and dizziness upon standing up, the same that Peavy had reported.

You are a lovely woman, Peavy, but Alfred is known to prefer the youngest.

I just stated it, and, Peavy, will you please move the car gently to a position close to the gate.

Again the three friends were among the last to board, though now their seat was closest to the duke and Peavy instead of farthest away.

He and Peavy reversed themselves back to the gate car whilst the crowd of women crossed the huge ballroom toward the French doors.

Pim and Peavy, show Tilda the way to Chatterford then return to Man Station and wait for us there.

No one at the store saw anything amiss when we drove up, and though Peavy was careful to roll each box and drum onto the scale, he made no comment when he found them markedly overweight.

Miss Peavy, his secretary, burst into screams of laughter, and threw her notebook over her shoulder, and threw her pencil at the ceiling.