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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Peasantlike \Peas"ant*like`\, a. Rude; clownish; illiterate.


a. Resembling or characteristic of a peasant.

Usage examples of "peasantlike".

She seemed to grow more compact, more peasantlike, even as they watched her.

She was a thorough daughter of the soil in her peasantlike matter-of-factness and doggedness, and her acceptance of great lords and kings and prelates as such without idolatry or snobbery, seeing at a glance how much they were individually good for.

It was just that at odd moments he took an obscure satisfaction in pretending to a peasantlike ignorance.

His tanned skin and muddy hands gave him a peasantlike appearance despite his shaven crown and high rank.

The lines are simple, almost peasantlike in their lack of ornamentation.

Something peasantlike in his genius may blind him a little to the finer shades of character and set him astray in his reports of cultivated society.

He looked less dangerous, peasantlike, were it not for the regal bone structure and concerned eyes that sought out her attention.

Then a young Italian woman with a peasantlike charm sang with bravura, Verdi of course.

As dry and hard as the chambermaid in the hotel had been, she looked him over with peasantlike mistrust, without coming to the door.