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vb. (present participle of pearl English)

Pearling (body modification)

Pearling or genital beading is a form of body modification, the practice of permanently inserting small beads made of various materials beneath the skin of the genitals—of the labia, or of the shaft or foreskin of the penis. As well as being an aesthetic practice, this is usually intended to enhance the sexual pleasure of partners during vaginal or anal intercourse.


Pearling may refer to:

  • Pearl hunting, the practice of diving for pearls
  • Pearling (body modification), a form of genital beading
  • Pearl growing, a search method where the information in one article is used to find further relevant articles on a subject
  • Pearling, an alternative spelling for 'purling', a term in knitting

Usage examples of "pearling".

And she had recognised him from that time when Davidson, who had been pearling himself in his youth, had been associating with Harry the Pearler and others, the quietest of a rather rowdy set.

An obliging young woman telephoned for a taxi after explaining Lily should visit the pearling museum in the wharf precinct in the centre of the city.

Again the strange sensation of deja vu swept over her as she walked past the old pearling sheds, the long jetty where the tide had exposed the mudflats, stranding mangroves in the tidal channels.

Lily tried to imagine it in the old days with the men working on the luggers, repairing gear, the activity in the sorting sheds, the babble of languages, the shouted orders of the pearling masters, the rattle of shells being stacked in bags, the tinkle of bicycle bells.

A cyclone had sunk the Broome pearling lugger Ahmed was working on and he had been the sole survivor.

Now he knew where the beds were he could make dry shell pearling a profitable sideline.

Over the past twenty years pearling had become a highly lucrative activity despite periodic slumps in the world market for mother-of-pearl and disasters such as the cyclone that wiped out forty luggers and several hundred men.

He was still cautious about this undertaking, but Tyndall had been persuasive, explaining how lucrative the pearling industry wasthough not without risks, for it was dangerous work with no guarantees.

Tyndall had brought the shocked and grieving Hennessys into Cossack, settled them into his small house and then broached the idea of going into partnership in a pearling lugger.

Conrad, wondering why the owner was no longer in the pearling business.

He wasted no time in making the rounds of the hotels, back street drinking dens and boarding houses used by the polyglot collection of men from Asia and the Pacific who worked the pearling fleets.

It was home port for several hundred pearling luggers collecting mother-of-pearl shell used mainly for the buttons in clothing manufacture all over the world.

Any pearls found represented a bonusa little for the crew, a lot for the pearling master.

When Olivia murmured that circumstances had changed their plans, that pearling was quite a new and unexpected undertaking for her husband, Mrs Hooten was soothing.

Believe me, Mrs Hennessy, the pearling industry is taking off, so my husband says.