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n. (plural of payday English)

Usage examples of "paydays".

You mean that after you finish this compulsive behavior that gets nowhere and accomplishes nothing, if I am lucky and you can fit it in between paydays, you may give me a few moments.

Finally, when the Revolution had come to its successful conclusion, De Kreef would have had the memory, the physiological memory, of all those pleasure-center paydays he had himself enjoyed during his research.

Eventually, however, the burden had become too great, and De Kreef had found somebody else, like Atlas and Hercules, to shoulder the world for him, and he had resigned to take his place on the assembly line and the paydays that lay at the end of it.

I am lucky and you can fit it in between paydays, you may give me a few moments.

I know now, people pursuing their paydays are more like helpless consumers of pleasure.

The citizens moved back uncertainly, torn between what they perceived to be their duty to resist violence and the threat to their paydays from the man they identified as the Paymaster.

From what Ive seen, and from what I know now, people pursuing their paydays are more like helpless consumers of pleasure.