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pay for

vb. To exchange for, especially money for goods or services.

pay for

v. have as a guest; "I invited them to a restaurant" [syn: invite]

Usage examples of "pay for".

This thing with Valdez went against all that, but you get what you pay for.

When you pay for this service, you can add whatever initials you want, they all sound important.

She'd bet Gremlin Infestation wasn't a discharge diagnosis that Medicare, Medicaid, or Blue Cross/Blue Shield would be willing to pay for.

But it had always seemed to him that, whatever the cost, it might prove to be a small price to pay for their loyalty at some future time.

And the bargain he made with them was one he would pay for with either his life or his soul .

I would pay for this on the morrow, I was relatively sure, but for the moment, I felt loose, my muscles soft and warm.