Crossword clues for pavlovian
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1931, from the theories, experiments, and methods of Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936), especially in connection with the salivary reflexes of dogs in response to mental stimulus of the sound of a bell (attested from 1911, in Pavloff [sic] method).
a. (alternative form of Pavlovian English)
Usage examples of "pavlovian".
Even after all those years, after what he had done to her family, she was as helpless as a Pavlovian dog to stop her response to him.
For several decades during the Stalinist period and its aftermath, research on brain and behaviour in the Soviet Union became shoehorned into Pavlovian orthodoxy, despite the presence of new generations of researchers who, while prepared to give Pavlov credit for his undoubted achievements, sought to break loose theoretically.
Whereas in pavlovian - or, as it became known, classical - conditioning the experimental animals were the passive recipients of the unconditioned and conditioning stimuli which they had to learn to pair, the skinnerian approach was to put the animals into a situation where they had to do something positive, to act on their environment - to emit an operant.
American Skinnerian Behaviorist School and the European Pavlovian School were assigned the responsibility, by the military caste, of predicting and controlling human behavior for purposes of .
These goals are achieved by applied psychology and Pavlovian conditioning.
The sound of a Bouncing Betty's boom-boom always worked like a Pavlovian dinner song.
Obsessed with formalizing these effects, comparing different schedules of reinforcement, the behaviourist journals became full of trivial phenomenology, mere catalogues of seemingly objective facts about the behaviour of rats in boxes as tidily classified as the stamps in a fanatic's collection, but as indifferent to either the biology or to the broader behavioural range of the animals they were ostensibly studying as were the pavlovians.
This is known, by analogy with, and in distinction from, pavlovian or classical conditioning, as instrumental, or operant conditioning.
Jeremy salivates in Pavlovian fashion as his plaice is laid on the paper for wrapping.
Like a Pavlovian dog Mackintosh salivates, though whether through hunger or some more Freudian linking of images he is not sure.
Five minutes after they came, some Pavlovian trigger mechanism invariably caused them to start wittering on about their progeny.