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paved surface

n. a horizontal surface covered with paving material

Usage examples of "paved surface".

She might have held it if she'd been on a paved surface, but the Vespa's rear wheel skidded out from under her in the loose gravel and she fell with a thump, biting her lip bloody and cutting her cheek.

On the highway, black smoke rose from burning trucks that formed a barricade across the paved surface.

Here, instead of turning down toward the dock, they continued straight on, past some more corrugated-iron storage sheds, to the end of the paved surface.

Once you got off a paved surface, it made much more sense to rely on pack turom or pagee than to drag a wheeled vehicle through hub-deep mud.

Cursing under his breath, he swervedto avoid some obstacle in the road, I assumedand the car jolted along the shoulder for a few yards before he got it back on the paved surface.

The worn, stone-paved surface was the one on which my bare feet had bruised themselves, dancing, the night before.

It lay all round, grey cobbles to the horizon, and when the sun rose the paved surface of the ocean was patched with all the colours of primeval earth.

When road conditions did not permit vehicles following to pass on a paved surface, the other vehicles in the column and dozens of columns following would maneuver off the road, onto the shoulder, and then back onto the autobahn, dragging great trails of mud onto the road surface already made slick by freezing rain or wet snow.

This was his road, by God, which he had cut out of this wild valley two and a half decades ago -- except for the paved surface.

It was not pleasing to be walking on a paved surface again, though.