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Usage examples of "patwin".

In the dining chamber he found Patwin and Jojustin, both still dressed in their riding gear and sipping mugs of barley beer.

Richius stuffed a piece of the bread into his mouth and passed the plate on to Patwin, who greedily snatched up two slices.

He managed, though, despite the small ache it sent coursing through his wrist, and held the sword out for the wide-eyed Patwin to inspect.

He glanced over at Patwin and watched him turn his face from the wind.

At just over five feet, Patwin was a small man, thin-boned and slightly-muscled, and the time he had spent traveling through Lucel-Lor had almost killed him.

He truly had failed her, and nothing Patwin could say would convince him otherwise.

As Richius and Patwin rode into the courtyard the two Talistanians looked at them, wry smiles on their faces.

When he was gone, Dinadin patted the ground beside him, bidding Patwin to sit.

At one point he had thought Patwin was right, that he was just bitter and would get over it.

He let Patwin hover over him for a few moments, staring down at him with barely disguised contempt.

Richius convalesced, Patwin set upon gathering the things they would need for their journey.

Though Ennadon claimed it was from his home stables, Patwin and the others knew the truth, and told Richius that Ennadon had purchased the gelding with his own gold from a horse breeder he knew.

Richius was overjoyed with the gift, and on the advice of Patwin said nothing to Ennadon about how he had acquired it.

They would not really need them, for wherever they went they could always ask the locals to direct them toward the Black City, but it made Patwin feel better to have them.

Since leaving Aramoor only Patwin had been truly concerned with the roads, poring over his maps each night to make sure they selected the best route in the morning.