Patrie is a 1946 French drama film directed by Louis Daquin. It was entered into the 1946 Cannes Film Festival.
Usage examples of "patrie".
France, attacked on every side, is forcing her sons to defend her: persecuted, martyrised, done to death by her, she is still their Mother: La Patrie, who needs their arms against the foreign foe.
Guizot, "Tacite a peint les Germains comme Montaigne et Rousseau les sauvages, dans un acces d'humeur contre sa patrie: son livre est une satire des moeurs Romaines, l'eloquente boutade d'un patriote philosophe qui veut voir la vertu la, ou il ne rencontre pas la mollesse honteuse et la depravation savante d'une vielle societe.
The poet confesses, that he is not supported by the truth of history, and can only allege, que celui qui fait la guerre a sa patrie au nom de Dieu, est capable de tout, (Oeuvres de Voltaire, tom.
He had Stitches Goesle put pennants fluttering from the tops of the tents' sidepoles—alternately tricolor and red pennants—and had Boom-Boom Beck play for the opening and closing specs neither the imperial "Partant pour la Syrie" nor the revolutionary "Marseillaise" but the noncontroversial "Champs de la Patrie.