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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Patiently \Pa"tient*ly\, adv. In a patient manner.


adv. In a patient manner.


adv. in a patient manner; "he patiently played with the child" [syn: with patience] [ant: impatiently]

Usage examples of "patiently".

On my return home, it occurred to me, in 1837, that something might perhaps be made out on this question by patiently accumulating and reflecting on all sorts of facts which could possibly have any bearing on it.

Mortati had waited patiently at the main altar as each cardinal, in order of seniority, had approached and performed the specific balloting procedure.

He waited patiently, smoking, wandering around the fishing boats on the dark beach, until he saw first Bannerman and then Elias returning in the very best of spirits.

This day, loath to bestir himself from his horse, William Belfour leaned his arms on his saddle and waited patiently for his mount to drink from the pond behind the mill that served Hawkwatch Manor.

Alia emerged from her Hypostatic Union, Reath brought her away from the claustrophobic antiquity of Earth and back to the comparatively familiar confines of his ship, which patiently followed its slow orbit about the old planet.

When Alia emerged from her Hypostatic Union, Reath brought her away from the claustrophobic antiquity of Earth and back to the comparatively familiar confines of his ship, which patiently followed its slow orbit about the old planet.

And howsoeuer she may be thought greedie of other mens Dominions, she sent to Parma very noble and excellent Ambassadours, who being delayed from day to day, from moneth to moneth, without any thing accomplished, she notwithstanding tooke it patiently, and suffered so farre these dangerous delayes, that the Spanish Souldiers panting with haste and greedinesse for the blood and butcherie of her Maiestie, and people most deare vnto her, were come vpon her coastes, and before her doores.

The next Mong, who had been waiting patiently, squatting with his hands bound behind him, spat in contempt and moved, into place at the edge of the ditch.

Whoever has taken in a muskellunge of any size will ever after troll patiently, even through masses of weed.

He rose and walked out of, the house and down the hill to the beach, where he sat on an upturned canoe and waited patiently for the Pelorus to negotiate the opening in the reef.

They went out and down the steps and found Periwinkle waiting patiently by the mounting block.

Loveday and Maria sat down on the steps with Serena and Wiggins on their laps, and Wrolf and Periwinkle standing patiently and reverently beside them, and set themselves to the learning of this new song.

He had waited patiently, and had reckoned almost to a day when Phips would arrive.

Larty stood to open the proceedings, waiting patiently until the photoflashes subsided.

Lady Bel way, glaring at her from her high stacked pillows, delivered a pithy diatribe on hospital food and her own supper in particular, while Augusta stood patiently.