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n. (plural of pathway English)

Pathways (album)

Pathways is a live album by the Dave Holland Octet. The album was recorded live at New York City’s Birdland jazz club. The record was released on March 23, 2010 via Dare2 label.

Pathways (band)

Pathways is an American Progressive metal band from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The group is currently signed to Tragic Hero Records and have released their latest EP, "Dies Irae" (2016) through the label.

The band is known for their use of dual 8 string guitars and strong classical influences.

Usage examples of "pathways".

But our own human memories are not embedded in a computer, they are encoded in the brain, in the ten thousand million nerve cells that comprise the human cerebrum - and the ten million million connections and pathways between those cells.

Overclan has been monitoring all nonwarrior pathways between Zhirrzh outposts and expeditionary forces ever since that first contact with the Human warcraft.

Elders, everything from the simple participation in interstellar communication pathways to the more demanding professional roles of planetary explorer or searcher assistant.

Every new world opens up that many more jobs for them, from communication pathways on up.

Only pathways going through specifically designated Elders are being allowed.

I had a conversation with Thrr-gilag before the pathways were closed down about the Mrach ambassadors who died on Oaccanv.

Besides which, the pathways he had available back at the Overclan Complex would be better for getting to the bottom of whatever was happening on Dorcas.

As soon as he got back to Unity City and secure Elder pathways, he would have to contact Warrior Command and let them know what was happening on Mra.

Antiquity and pathos were twin breaths filling the aisles and pathways between the high-peaked narrow tents.

We swim his immortal bloodwe mages, and everyone else who employs the pathways of sorcery, including the gods.

The mud-churned pathways crisscrossing the encampment were crowded with warriors, many wounded or bearing fallen kin.

So I left the plain, and weary, Fainting, yet with hope sustained, Toiled through pathways long and dreary Till the mountain top was gained.

Even at this distance Hanna heard her shrieks of delight as her nursemaids tried to catch her while she ran excitedly along the twisting pathways of a floral labyrinth, stumbling on unsteady feet but always climbing gamely up with a new burst of energy.

The ground was slicked to mud, and even on the gravel pathways rivulets and puddles made walking perilous.

These are the ancient pathways that mold land and sea and weave the fabric of the world.