a. 1 the quality of being paternal, i.e. like a father, e.g. characterized by behaving in benevolent and yet intrusive manner towards underlings 2 of, pertaining to, characteristic of or practicing paternalism
adj. benevolent but sometimes intrusive
Usage examples of "paternalistic".
They might be paternalistic, autocratic and domineering chauvinists, but she knew they truly cared about her.
So while it was desire for revenue that prompted the early sales of the public domain in the Mississippi Valley, the nation got in return not only means to help pay its Revolution debt, but, incidentally, settlements of highly individualistic, self-dependent, and interdependent pioneers, gathered about one highly paternalistic or maternalistic institution--the public school.
It was a nonunion shop and I suppose the labor people would say all three of the Tarkingtons were paternalistic exploiters of the uneducated working man and woman.
The French communities that grew in the midst of those naked timocrats, whose savagery they soothed by beads and crucifixes and weapons, were the plantings of absolutism paternalistic to the last degree.
It was what come of buying paternalistic gadgets, high-strung, humanistic calculators, oversensitive, emotional machines.