n. an application for sole rights to an invention
A patent application is a request pending at a patent office for the grant of a patent for the invention described and claimed by that application. An application consists of a description of the invention (the patent specification), together with official forms and correspondence relating to the application. The term patent application is also used to refer to the process of applying for a patent, or to the patent specification itself (i.e. the content of the document filed with a view to initiating the process of applying for a patent ).
In order to obtain the grant of a patent, a person, either legal or natural, must file an application at a patent office with the jurisdiction to grant a patent in the geographic area over which coverage is required. This will often be a national patent office but may be a regional body, such as the European Patent Office. Once the patent specification complies with the laws of the office concerned, a patent may be granted for the invention described and claimed by the specification.
The process of "negotiating" or "arguing" with a patent office for the grant of a patent, and interaction with a patent office with regard to a patent after its grant, is known as patent prosecution. Patent prosecution is distinct from patent litigation which relates to legal proceedings for infringement of a patent after it is granted.
Usage examples of "patent application".
Give them everything, all the notes I built for Fede and his damned patent application, sign over the exclusive rights to the patent for one dollar and services rendered (i.
More than two hundred senior review examiners were fired over the rejection of a patent application only five of them had ever seen.
Or this onea patent application for a device to lay the globe over on its side and warm up the arctic regions.
This orderly diffusion pattern makes it conceivable that all the wheels in use today are directly descended from the invention of a single gifted individual -- an individual, however, who was such a chump that he failed to sign his name on the patent application, thus assuring his (or her) eternal anonymity.
It also had heard a disturbing rumor of a patent application on a new class of molecules.
Every letter written to me as a result of my patent application has been answered candidly.
But you begin getting more of a jolt when you find that the papers are all in your own writing, that your name is down as the inventor, and that the date of the patent application is 1991.
We'll make you a perfectly fair offer: We buy your patent application, under an agreement whereby you can practice your process, provided you name us exclusive agent for the sale of your animals.
And as a guarantee, Fabian and I are to be named on the patent application which you and the kombinate file.
Or this one--a patent application for a device to lay the globe over on its side and warm up the arctic regions.
Or this one a patent application for a device to lay the globe over on its side and warm up the arctic regions.