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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Patch \Patch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Patched; p. pr. & vb. n. Patching.]

  1. To mend by sewing on a piece or pieces of cloth, leather, or the like; as, to patch a coat.

  2. To mend with pieces; to repair with pieces festened on; to repair clumsily; as, to patch the roof of a house.

  3. To adorn, as the face, with a patch or patches.

    Ladies who patched both sides of their faces.

  4. To make of pieces or patches; to repair as with patches; to arrange in a hasty or clumsy manner; -- generally with up; as, to patch up a truce. ``If you'll patch a quarrel.''

  1. Having been patched. v

  2. (en-past of: patch)

  1. adj. mended usually clumsily by covering a hole with a patch; "patched jeans"

  2. having spots or patches (small areas of contrasting color or texture); "a field patched with ice and snow"; "a black-and-white spotted cow" [syn: spotted]


Patched (Ptc) is a conserved 12-pass transmembrane protein receptor that plays an obligate negative regulatory role in the Hedgehog signaling pathway in insects and vertebrates. Patched is an essential gene in embryogenesis that is important for proper segmentation in the fly embryo, mutations in which may be embryonic lethal. Patched functions as the receptor for the Hedgehog protein and controls its spatial distribution, in part via endocytosis of bound Hedgehog protein, which is then targeted for lysosomal degradation.

Patched (malware)

Win32/Patched is a Computer Trojan targeting the Microsoft Windows operating system that was first detected in October 2008. Files detected as "Trojan.Win32.Patched" are usually Windows components that are patched by a malicious application. The purpose of patching varies. For example, certain malware patches system components in order to disable security, such as the Windows Safe File Check feature. Other malware can add parts of its code to a system component and then patch certain functions of the original file to point to an appended code.

Usage examples of "patched".

Then, blundering about and bellowing like a wounded rhino, he staggered out front and shoveled a big sluiceway in the recently patched ditch bank, allowing almost the entire acequia flow to cascade into his already soggy front vega.

All taken as a totality, since that Authentic All is not a thing patched up out of external parts, but is authentically an all because its parts are engendered by itself.

They went to Milan without having patched up their quarrel, but the Milanese Government ordered them to leave Lombardy, and I never heard what arrangements they finally came to.

They could be patched with wood whittled to size and pounded in, caulked withwell, caulked with something or other.

In addition to the coxcomb, therefore, the Fool wears a costume of rough varicolored wool, so that he is a melange of patched colors.

But, by way of recreation, after the supper dishes had been washed up, Gertie darned socks, mended shirts, patched trousers for the men folk or sewed on some garment for herself.

Once a robotic toy companion, a crude electromotive toy from the first decade of the twenty-first century, Aineko was progressively upgraded and patched and periodically migrated to a new hardware platform -- until, by some time in the third or fourth decade, it acquired an agenda of its own.

His armour was patched up of a thousand incoherent pieces, and the sound of it, as he marched, was loud and dry, like that made by the fall of a sheet of lead, which an Etesian wind blows suddenly down from the roof of some steeple.

The same afternoon saw the long column of the prisoners on its way to Modder River, there to be entrained for Cape Town, the most singular lot of people to be seen at that moment upon earth--ragged, patched, grotesque, some with goloshes, some with umbrellas, coffee-pots, and Bibles, their favourite baggage.

He had often patched his torn garments or his quilted hacqueton rent in battle.

The wind was even louder now: the hardboard that had patched the broken window flew in with a clatter, and a thick stench of burning began to fill the dark space of the church.

A tattered, patched cloak covered him to the eyebrows and he held it from within against the wind that drove the merchanter past Eirrin and onto Magh Rian.

I saw David when he was sick with mumps and I patched him up once or twice after rugger.

At short intervals there are walled-up gateways, round-headed or ogival in form, and the whole surface is rent and patched.

The Reo was having to have her tires patched twice a day, and slow leaks were blown up every time the car stopped for gasoline.