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n. (plural of pastilla English)


Pastillas or Pastillas de Leche is a milk-based confectionery which originated in the town of San Miguel in Bulacan, Philippines. Pastillas-making later spread to other regions such as in the provinces of Cagayan and Masbate.

Initially, pastillas de leche were primarily home made by carabao-rearing farmers then a small-scale industry on the food product grew. Pastillas were made either from carabao or cow milk; or both. Refined sugar and lemon juice are also added during pastillas-making.

In San Miguel, Bulacan, the origin place of pastillas, the Pastillas Festival has been celebrated every May since 2006. The paper-cut form of pabalat is also linked to pastillas which involves making elaborate paper-cut designs from wrappers used in pastillas.

Usage examples of "pastillas".

Still taken with Pastillas Monotes' phrase, he said, "I propose to move my feathered hindquarters against the city's works at sunrise, two days hence.