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passed over

vb. (en-pastpass over)

Usage examples of "passed over".

A small frown that could almost be considered jealous passed over Trents face for a moment, before being replaced with his usual serene expression.

My informal poll showed that about a third of the residents believed we had passed over into some borderland of death and were being tested to determine where we would end up.

The warm cloth passed over her fragile skin, erasing the salty tear tracks beneath her eyes and on her cheeks.

As the frantic old man thus spoke and thus trampled with his live and dead feet, a sneering triumph that seemed meant for Ahab, and a fatalistic despair that seemed meant for himself--these passed over the mute, motionless Parsee's face.

A horrid look of agony passed over Gregorio's face, but he remained silent and motionless.

The earth will not then be difficult to be passed over, nor will it he hard to find out the court of paradise, nor will there be any fearful roaring of the sea, forbidding the passengers to walk on it.

Therefore, the consideration of this expression should not, in my opinion, be carelessly passed over.

He noted that the other's boots made no sound, though they passed over some gravel.

After this the Judge, having regard to the fact that the aforesaid denunciation of heresy involves of its very nature such a grave charge that it cannot and must not be lightly passed over, since to do so would imply an offence to the Divine Majesty and an injury to the Catholic Faith and to the State, shell proceed to inform himself and examine the witnesses in the following manner.

What breadths of experience Dorothea seemed to have passed over since she first looked at this miniature!

Thicker clouds now passed over the ascending moon, and the glittering path on the waters faded nearly out.

The sun was down, and the moon unrisen, when I reached the abode of the monsters, but it was still as a stone till I passed over.

I have considered all their comments and enquiries, and if some seem to have been passed over that may be because I have failed to keep my notes in order.

His hand shook even harder as he passed over the drink, because he was thinking poison.

Many examples of this could be adduced, but for the sake of brevity they are passed over and omitted.