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Paso Doble, (meaning double-step in Spanish) is a Spanish light music, with a binary rhythm and moderated movement, probably based in typical Spanish dances of the 16th century. During the 18th century it was incorporated to comedies and was adopted as a regulatory step for the Spanish infantry, with a special feature that makes the troops can take the regular step: 120 steps per minute. The music was introduced in bullfights during the 19th century. It is played during the bullfighters' entrance to the ring (paseo) or during the passes (faena) just before the kill. It corresponds to the pasodoble dance (traditional and ballroom).

Paso Doble is a lively style of dance to the duple meter march-like pasodoble music. It is modelled after the sound, drama, and movement of the Spanish and Portuguese bullfight. The traditional couple's dance was originated in France and then adopted in Spain and Portugal.

Famous bullfighters have been honoured with pasodoble tunes named after them. Other tunes have been inspired by patriotic motifs or local characters.