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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Paschal candle

Paschal \Pas"chal\ (p[a^]s"kal), a. [L. paschalis: cf. F. pascal. See Pasch.] Of or pertaining to the passover, or to Easter; as, a paschal lamb; paschal eggs.

Paschal candle (R. C. Ch.), a large wax candle, blessed and placed on the altar on Holy Saturday, or the day before Easter.

Paschal flower. See Pasque flower, under Pasque.

paschal candle

n. (context Christianity English) A large symbolic white candle used at Easter.

Paschal candle
This article describes the Paschal candle of the Western Churches. For the Paschal triple-candle used in Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches of the Byzantine rite see Paschal trikirion.

A Paschal candle is a large, white candle used in liturgies in Western Christianity ( viz., the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, and Lutheran churches, among others). A new Paschal candle is blessed and lit every year at Easter, and is used throughout the Paschal season which is during Easter and then throughout the year on special occasions, such as baptisms and funerals.

The equivalent of the Paschal candle in the Western Orthodox Church is the Paschal trikirion which differs both in style and usage.

Usage examples of "paschal candle".

She would not be left alone before God, and in their stalls by her side, two nuns stayed through the rest of the day and night praying, while the Paschal candle flickered at her side.

The Monsignor swung the paschal candle holder backward, two-handed, and hit Murphy again.

Nonetheless, they decided that a very few free hours might be squeezed out if they were careful, between the stark recitation of Prime and the more demanding rites of the night's Easter Vigil, with its blessing of the newly kindled fire and baptismal water and the lighting of the Paschal candle.