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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
partially sighted
▪ All year round we help blind and partially sighted people living near you!
▪ Disability glare is rarer and affects some low vision or partially sighted people.
▪ He hit 83 year old partially sighted pensioner, Ivor James and trapped him against a wall.
▪ Keep it warm A warm, friendly voice is especially reassuring if a partially sighted person can't see your expression.
▪ Now teachers and parents have got together to start a toy library for blind and partially sighted children.
▪ Tape copies are available free of charge to blind and partially sighted people.
▪ The braille workshop in Gloucester prison is designed to rehabilitate inmates, as well as helping blind and partially sighted children.
▪ These cause special problems for many partially sighted people who must be shown how to negotiate them.

Usage examples of "partially sighted".

For these lectures I tookalong a suitcase full of equipment, includingbraille books, slate and stylus (the processstudents used for taking notes), beeper ballsand beeper Frisbees, talking calculators andgogglelike glasses that distorted a lens to givetunnel vision to the partially sighted.

The danger of contamination of wards by other-species atmospheres is always present, and such an environmental catastrophe should not be allowed to occur because some partially sighted nincompoop has connected up the wrong set of pipes.

He was little more than a bundle of rags, an old London-Irishman, totally blind in one eye and only partially sighted in the other.