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part with

vb. To willingly let go of; to give up; to relinquish.

part with

v. give up what is not strictly needed; "he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey" [syn: spare, give up, dispense with]

Usage examples of "part with".

Whoever performs his part with most agility, and holds out the longest in leaping and creeping, is rewarded with the blue-coloured silk.

He appeared to me this night in the form of a venerable hermit, and forbade me to part with her for less than a thousand sequins.

And moving towards them, they all rose and saluted him, desiring him to sit down and take part with them.

He was distressed, however, at having to part with his sheep, which he gave to the Bordeaux Academy of the Sciences.

In this case of Gift, I Merit not that the giver should part with his right.

He, who apprehended I could not live a month, was ready enough to part with me, and demanded a thousand pieces of gold, which were ordered him on the spot, each piece being about the bigness of eight hundred moidores.

Macca-ackavow became sullen at our refusal to part with the magnifying glass.

He could persuade me to kill a child, but not to part with my money.

Their orders, which Sassinak discussed only in part with her officers, required them to make use of a new, supposedly secret, technology for identifying and trailing newer deep-space civilian vessels.

He wouldn't part with any more of the spiral stones until he knew what she knew about them that made her so interested in the one he let her have.

Even in crime the Japanese have a strange sense of values If a robber entered a house and the house holder told him that he required some money, the robber would part with some of it.

Even when they had tossed away everything that might conceivably have held them back, he had refused to part with the tiny bronze.

I've been trying to persuade one of the finest chefs in Istanbul to part with his recipe and will send it to you forthwith.