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parking meters

n. (parking meter English)

Usage examples of "parking meters".

You should always have a box around for phones, laundromats, parking meters and drink machines.

Early that afternoon they came to a small town called Bradbury, which under its Nicosia-class tent looked like something out of Illinois: treelined blacktop streets, screened-in porches fronting two-story brick houses with shingle roofs, a main street with shops and parking meters, a central park with a white gazebo under giant maples.

These good folk sporadically tried to give vent to their feelings by blowing up everything from parking meters to individual officers to entire city blocks.

We turned onto Main, and while there were people on the sidewalks, and cars angled in at the parking meters, somehow the street seemed surprisingly empty and inactive.

He got state-wide coverage in 1967, during a controversy over the parking meters downtown.

Cut down the parking meters and attach springs to their bases, then give them out to the public for use as pogo sticks.

If the chief even suspected I was talking to you, I'd be shaking out parking meters for the rest of my life.