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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Parfit \Par"fit\, a. Perfect. [Obs.]


a. (context obsolete English) perfect.

Usage examples of "parfit".

I would conduct myself like a Parfit Gentil Knight, but before he could speak we heard suddenly the most lovely sound of a viola da gamba, coming, it seemed, from beneath us in my Music Room.

John Barrow, Robert Cook-Deegan, Peter Coveney and Roger Highfield, Paul Davies, Richard Dawkins, Armand Delsemme, Anders Hansson, Murray Gell-Mann, James Gleick, Stephen Jay Gould, Bruce Jakosky, Stuart Kauffman, Kevin Kelly, Christopher Langton, Lynn Margulis, Michael Parfit, Jeremy Rifkin, Ian Stewart, Edward O.

Mr Parfit, and several more were found to be able to sing a score at sight.

In singing the immense difference between Mr Parfit, with two pounds five and sixpence a month plus perquisites, and a landsman with one pound two and six minus deductions for his slops was abolished, and as far as the vocal part of it was concerned the Messiah came along nobly.

For nature hath nat taken his bigynnyng Of no partie nor cantel of a thyng, But of a thyng that parfit is and stable, Descendynge so til it be corrumpable.