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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Parboil \Par"boil`\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Parboiled; p. pr. & vb. n. Parboiling.] [OE. parboilen, OF. parbouillir to cook well; par through (see Par) + bouillir to boil, L. bullire. The sense has been influenced by E. part. See 1st Boil.]

  1. To boil or cook thoroughly. [Obs.]
    --B. Jonson.

  2. To boil in part; to cook partially by boiling.

  3. Hence: (Fig.) To do (something) only part way, or incompletely. Also used intransitively.

  1. partially boiled v

  2. (en-past of: parboil)

Parboiled (Java)

parboiled is an open-source Java library released under an Apache License. It provides support for defining PEG parsers directly in Java source code.

parboiled is commonly used as an alternative for regular expressions or parser generators (like ANTLR or JavaCC), especially for smaller and medium-size applications.

Apart from providing the constructs for grammar definition parboiled implements a complete recursive descent parser with support for abstract syntax tree construction, parse error reporting and parse error recovery.

Usage examples of "parboiled".

I stared at a parboiled hand in a basin of water, looking for Macaulay, and found nothing at all.

It was easy to surrender to the potbellied, parboiled ennui of the island.

People had tried to shelter in the pools in the nearby fountains and they were full of floating, parboiled corpses.

It reached and nearly touched the delicious flattened balls of parboiled rice in my imagination.