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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Paraventure \Par`a*ven"ture\, adv. [Par + aventure.] Peradventure; perchance. [Obs.]


adv. (context obsolete English) peradventure; perchance

Usage examples of "paraventure".

In other manner than ye hear me say, He durste not to her his woe bewray, Save that paraventure sometimes at dances, Where younge folke keep their observances, It may well be he looked on her face In such a wise, as man that asketh grace, But nothing wiste she of his intent.

And if that he may not, paraventure, Or elles list not such dispence endure, But thinketh it is wasted and y-lost, Then must another paye for our cost, Or lend us gold, and that is perilous.

Paraventure ther may fallen oon or two Doun of his hors, and breke his nekke atwo.

He seyde he lovede, and was biloved no thyng, Of swich matere made he manye layes, Songes, compleintes, roundels, virelayes, How that he dorste nat his sorwe telle, But langwissheth, as a furye dooth in helle, And dye he moste, he seyde, as dide Ekko For Narcisus, that dorste nat telle hir wo, In oother manere than ye heere me seye, Ne dorste he nat to hir his wo biwreye, Save that paraventure som tyme at daunces, Ther yonge folk kepen hir observaunces, It may wel be he looked on hir face, In swich a wise as man that asketh grace.

For which oppressioun was swich clamour And swich pursute unto the kyng Arthour, That dampned was this knyght for to be deed By cours of lawe, and sholde han lost his heed, Paraventure, swich was the statut tho, But that the queene and othere ladyes mo So longe preyeden the kyng of grace, Til he his lyf hym graunted in the place, And yaf hym to the queene al at hir wille, To chese, wheither she wolde hym save or spille.