Crossword clues for parathyroid
a. 1 Situated near the thyroid gland. 2 Pertaining to the parathyroid glands or their extracts. n. 1 The parathyroid gland. 2 A parathyroid hormone.
n. any one of four endocrine glands situated above or within the thyroid gland [syn: parathyroid gland]
Usage examples of "parathyroid".
Just as glucagon mobilizes the glycogen reservoir in the liver, bringing about its breakdown to glucose, which pours into the blood, so the parathyroid hormone mobilizes the calcium stores in bone, bringing about its breakdown to calcium ions in solution, which pours into the blood.
Depending upon where the cut was made, Hamid-Jones supposed, resection of the thyroid and parathyroids might be necessary, too.
It was reported in 1963 that the parathyroid produces a second hormone, calcitonin, acting in opposition to tbe parathyroid hormone, as insulin acts in opposition to glucagon.
The parathyroid hormone calcitonin and vitamin D do the same for the calcium ion concentration in the blood.
ACTH The production of corticoids is not controlled by direct feedback as insulin is by the blood glucose level it controls, or parathyroid hormone by the blood calcium level it controls.
And this isotope, acting upon the adrenal cortex and the parathyroid, which are instrumental in controlling certain cycles in the human body, might very readily bring about the effect we are discussing in an atypical species.