There is a historical city by same name Paraspur (also called Parihaspur or Parihaspora) in Kashmir.
Paraspur is a block panchayat in Gonda district, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is the biggest Block Panchayat of Gonda district with the 64 Village Panchayat and 91 villages.It comes under Colonelganj legislative assembly. The total population of Paraspur block Panchayat is 203937 which is consist of 105736 Male population and 98201 female population with the density of 687 per km.Paraspur is a rural township around 20 km from Gonda and 100 km from Lucknow. Colonelganj, a historical town associated with the mutiny of 1857, lies 14 km north of it. About 22 km west lies Tikaitnagar, a town in Bara-Banki District. Colonelganj Railway Station, on the Bara-Banki—Gonda route, is the nearest railway station. Nearest airport is Amausi Airport. The Male literacy rate is 57.06% and female is 26.61%. Rajapur,the birthplace of Shri Goswami Tulsidas is just 8 km from Block headquarter. Sukhar Khet (Paska),one of the famous place in Hindu Mythology is lies in south of Paraspur Block Panchayat and it is 12 km from the Paraspur..
Tulsi Smarak Inter College is one of the prominent college along with other educational institutes. Mahakavi Tulsidas Post Graduate College is the only college in the town for Higher Education.