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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Paralyze \Par"a*lyze\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Paralyzed; p. pr. & vb. n. Paralyzing.] [F. paralyser. See Paralysis.]

  1. To affect or strike with paralysis or palsy.

  2. Fig.: To unnerve; to destroy or impair the energy of; to render ineffective; as, the occurrence paralyzed the community; despondency paralyzed his efforts.


alt. (en-past of: paralyze) vb. (en-past of: paralyze)


adj. affected or subject to with paralysis [syn: paralytic]

Paralyzed (album)

Paralyzed is the second studio album by the Vermont-based doom metal band Witch, founded by J Mascis of Dinosaur Jr.

Paralyzed (Elvis Presley song)

"Paralyzed" is a 1956 song recorded by Elvis Presley for his album Elvis. The song was recorded on September 2, 1956, and has been well received by modern music critics. The song was mainly written by Otis Blackwell, with Elvis receiving song-writing credit for his contributions to the finished song. Elvis Presley's song-writing credits are very rare, but occasionally he would re-work songs enough to be credited as a songwriter.

Usage examples of "paralyzed".

She stood stock-still, as if paralyzed by his hands clasping her waist.

You've never had to type by punching the keys with a pencil held in your teeth because you're paralyzed from the neck down.

With that nonchalant goodbye he was gone, and she sat in paralyzed agony, listening to his sure steps going down the stairs.

Claire stared blindly at the roomy Tudor-style house where she had grown up, almost paralyzed with dread of what was to come.

The thought paralyzed her, and she sagged against the man, struggling to organize her mind and think of something she could do.

Uncertainty paralyzed her as her sluggish mind began trying to grasp the reason for his anger.

She felt paralyzed as she stared up at him, held immobile by a strange, frightening excitement that knotted her stomach and set her heart to pounding.

She was paralyzed, terror freezing in her veins as she realized her worst nightmare had come true.

They were paralyzed by the unexpectedness of being attacked in their own homes, and in that first terror, they believed him.

Froze, blinded by the sudden darkness, paralyzed by terror and the crashing knowledge.

But for whatever reason, whether Grandmother was too paralyzed with grief or maybe because she did think Webb could have killed Jessie, it hadn't happened.

The hunger to touch him, to be close enough that she could smell the unique, never-forgotten male muskiness of his scent, was so strong that she was almost paralyzed with need.

For a moment she stood paralyzed, afraid to move as her gaze darted around the dark alley, searching for any of the night predators who prowled the city.

There couldn't be any more wasting of precious time and energy because she was paralyzed by fear.

Her breath exploded out of her and she gagged, momentarily paralyzed, but somehow she hung on.