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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Paragoge \Par`a*go"ge\ (p[a^]r`[.a]*g[=o]"j[-e]), n. [L., fr. Gr. paragwgh`, from para`gein to lead beside, protract; para` beside + 'a`gein to lead.]

  1. (Gram.) The addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word, as withouten for without.

  2. (Med.) Coaptation. [Obs.]


n. (context grammar prosody English) The addition of a sound, syllable or letter to the end of a word, either through natural development or as a grammatical function.


Paragoge (; from ; adj. paragogic ), is the addition of a sound to the end of a word. Often, this is due to nativization. It is a type of epenthesis, most commonly vocalic epenthesis.