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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Paragnathus \Pa*rag"na*thus\ (p[.a]*r[a^]g"n[.a]*th[u^]s), n.; pl. Paragnathi (p[.a]*r[a^]g"n[.a]*th[imac]). [NL. See Para-, and Gnathic.] (Zo["o]l.)

  1. One of the two lobes which form the lower lip, or metastome, of Crustacea.

  2. One of the small, horny, toothlike jaws of certain annelids.


n. 1 (context zoology English) One of the two lobes forming the lower lip, or metastome, of Crustacea. 2 (context zoology English) One of the small, horny, tooth-like jaws of certain annelids.