▪ Self-destructive Melissa, that kooky chick who sometimes wore braces over a singlet to hold up her baggy pants.
▪ Suzanne, forty-something, looking respectable in baggy pants and a blouse, used to work here.
▪ It consists of a loose shirt, or tunic, with baggy pants, tied together in the middle with a belt.
▪ The insurance companies hid behind my old coats and baggy pants and my boots with the run-over heels.
▪ How about updating the context, dressing the youths in flannels and baggy pants?
▪ A chubby little man in a short-sleeved sport shirt and baggy gray twill pants came out the door.
▪ She dressed in an unvarying uniform of black ski pants and pink mohair pullover which became grubbier as the weeks passed.
▪ Tony Rich, wearing a fleece-trimmed black jacket with black satin pants and a derby.
▪ When not working the girls dressed alike in black tight pants, black leather jackets and black suede boots.
▪ Blue Mooney stood in the unlit doorway in his black pants, black shirt, black boots.
▪ She wears a large loose-knit white sweater and a pair of tight black pants.
▪ There is not a corpuscle to spare between her lean, muscular frame and her black Diesel pants.
▪ Ladies have sheer or bare legs, trendies cover up with black leather pants.
▪ But Tuesday night she appeared soft, relaxed and regal, even in a businesslike black pants suit.
▪ He wears navy blue short pants and a little navy blue jacket with bright gold buttons.
▪ He wore white loafers, shiny blue nylon sweat pants, and a white golf shirt a size or two too small.
▪ The girl was lying on her side with her pink leotard and blue corduroy pants piled on top of her.
▪ This time I was making hot pants and rainbow striped jumpers.
▪ She has graduated from the brown velvet hot pants of her stockbroker days to Armani, Ralph and Prada.
▪ Bikini bottoms look more like high-waisted hot pants, while swimsuits are squared off across the thighs or skirted.
▪ She got hot pants for this guy twice her age.
▪ Alexis's hot pants, £30; top £25, Juliette Spatchett at Hyper Hyper.
▪ For mock leather C&A waistcoats £21.99, jeans, £24.99, hot pants, £16.99.
▪ Kaczynski wore khaki pants and a long-sleeved green shirt during his appearance.
▪ His Saigon khaki pants were clean.
▪ Hanmer was wearing a white golf shirt and khaki pants he apparently used for gardening.
▪ Frank had a perfect bubble-butt and massive thigh muscles clearly outlined in his khaki pants.
▪ It was practically empty except for two middle-aged men in khaki pants and cotton shirts lounging over a quart of beer.
▪ His short pants have shoved up over the bare knees and one shows bloody scratches.
▪ He wears navy blue short pants and a little navy blue jacket with bright gold buttons.
▪ He was wearing only a sleeveless vest and a pair of short pants that reached almost to his bony knees.
▪ Some say the invaders wear short pants.
▪ The mice-children in these episodes wear sailor suits, or short pants with bibs and braces over little stripy jumpers.
▪ Every long table is filled with oldsters in their golden years costumes-juvenile ensembles of short pants, shirts, and sneakers.
▪ He never allowed his hands, his striped short pants or anything other than his polished shoes to touch the floor.
▪ I bet you were shitting your elegant white pants when you heard I was here.
▪ The players wore short-sleeve white shirts, long white pants and dark bow ties, with baseball caps and white sneakers.
▪ He had bright white pants, black gym shoes.
▪ White shirt, open at the neck; white pants, white shoes, white socks.
▪ Thereafter, the defendant must have pulled down her pants and tights and stabbed her private parts a number of times.
▪ Later, you pull up your pants and wait for the pain to go away.
▪ Next year, George Clooney is going to pull his pants down for a guaranteed 55 share.
▪ I reached over and pulled her pants back up.
▪ Seconds later, he was sidling, helping me pull down his pants.
▪ His checked shirt was pulled out of his pants, and his belly button was showing.
▪ As if this isn't difficult enough, she has to remember, too, to put the pants on before her trousers.
▪ He was so tired his bones ached; but he crawled out of bed, put on his pants and watch.
▪ I got up and dropped some pennies on the floor when I put my pants on.
▪ It was what allowed you to put your pants on in the morning.
▪ Would he have put it in his pants pocket?
▪ Though, mind you, it scares the pants off poor old Crumwallis.
▪ The tests scare the pants off many managers.
▪ It took ten minutes to reach Honey Cottage, with Yanto trying his best to scare the pants off Mary.
▪ Lovely people who scared the pants off him.
▪ I bet you were shitting your elegant white pants when you heard I was here.
▪ She also wears skin-tight red pants.
▪ Like Angelita, who also helps them teach, but from her seat, Ilena is wearing pants.
▪ Why do I have to wear another man's pants?
▪ Kaczynski wore khaki pants and a long-sleeved green shirt during his appearance.
▪ I don't wear the pants.
▪ He wears navy blue short pants and a little navy blue jacket with bright gold buttons.
▪ Another habit that our ancestors would have frowned on was women wearing pants.
▪ Some say the invaders wear short pants.
▪ Lewis beat him a further ten times, claimed Joe, who was so scared that he wet his pants.
▪ I almost wet in my pants before I got off the track to relieve myself.
▪ I dribbled, I wet my pants, even banged my head on the furniture, and bawled ... bawled almost nonstop.
▪ She was shifting from one foot to the other; she felt as if she was going to wet her pants.
▪ As Nelson paraded in front of the jury, the pants fell to his knees.
▪ Crazy is living in a fog and pissing your pants.
▪ His shirt and his wool-blend flare-leg pants were made to measure in Kabul.
▪ I tossed the sandals I was wearing into the backseat and hunched my long pants off.
▪ Looking at him in the dim light I saw he was clad only in vest and pants.
▪ The players wore short-sleeve white shirts, long white pants and dark bow ties, with baseball caps and white sneakers.
▪ There were flowers on the table but no pants in the laundry basket.
▪ They can wear a sweatshirt or blouse, with culottes or sweat pants.