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pant suit

alt. A pantsuit. n. A pantsuit.

Usage examples of "pant suit".

She was dressed in a silver lame pant suit with a pink cravat knotted around her neck.

I noticed that she was dressed in a cranberry-colored pant suit, every bit as sensible as her shoes.

She wore a white raw silk pant suit, cut loose in the legs and low at the neck, a rope of pearls with matching earrings.

She wore a sand-colored, linen pant suit, a scooped, white T-shirt, and a brown belt.

She was dressed in a yellow pant suit that seemed faded from long use, yet in Humphries's eyes she glowed like the sun.

She dressed in one of her own flamboyant creations, a stunning white pant suit with a red silk blouse.

Fontaine, wrapped up warmly in an Yves Saint Laurent pant suit, and a three-quarter length red fox jacket, squeezed Nice's arm tightly.

Among those from the neighboring cottages were Don Exbridge and his new wife and the Wilmot family, the bespectacled Timmie in his little long-pant suit and bow tie.

Gil Roberts, muttering an excuse, took off after the lady in the pokerhands pant suit, who was heading for the passenger elevator.